little boy feeling baby kicks on mommy during maternity pictures in Edmonds, Wa

Pregnancy Pictures with Toddlers are the Ultimate Keepsake

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I am Neyssa Lee a Seattle area photographer. I'm a mom of 6, Disney obsessed, who helps you see the beauty, love and joy, in your own family’s chaos.  Learn more by heading to my ABOUT ME page.

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Hi, I'm Neyssa

As a Seattle maternity and newborn photographer, I’ve been fortunate to witness and capture some of the most heartfelt moments in family life. There’s something uniquely magical about the period of expectancy – the excitement, the anticipation, the love that is already blossoming for the new life about to join the family. This becomes even more profound when there’s a toddler involved. Pregnancy pictures with toddlers are not just photos, they are memories encapsulated in time – vibrant, dynamic, and full of emotions.

pregnancy pictures in Seattle with a toddler, preschooler, and parents at sunset

The Importance of Capturing Pregnancy Pictures with Toddlers

Pregnancy is an unforgettable journey, an intimate dance between mother and baby. But when there’s a toddler in the mix, it’s not just about expecting a baby; it’s about a family growing and evolving. As a mother, you have mixed emotions. You are excited for this new life. Yet you worry about your toddler and how they will feel. You wonder if you could love someone as much as this little one in front of you. (I promise, mama, those emotions are totally normal. I had them every time I added a child).

Yet, you are not the only one with big emotions. Your toddler may be unsure about what’s to come, about their place in the family.

Mother and son at sunset  at the beach in Seattle for maternity photos

Pregnancy pictures with your toddler present are a testament to the journey your family is on. They capture the candid moments, the laughs, the surprise kisses on the baby bump, the curiosity in your toddler’s eyes. These images encapsulate the essence of your family just before a new life expands your circle of love.

They serve as a beautiful reminder to your toddler of how loved they were, even before the arrival of the new baby. These pictures are tangible memories for them to hold onto when the whirlwind of emotions and changes come with the baby’s arrival. They can be a source of comfort and assurance for them, something that depicts their integral place in the family unit.

Family of four laughing and hugging during maternity photo session in Seattle at sunset

Creating a Relaxed, Fun, and Connected Environment

Taking pregnancy pictures with a toddler may seem challenging to some mothers. The thought of orchestrating a calm, picture-perfect moment while your toddler is more interested in playing can be stressful.

But here at Neyssa Lee Photography, our sessions are crafted with toddlers in mind. Rather than focusing on perfect poses, we embrace movement and connection. Our aim is to make the photo sessions as organic and relaxed as possible.

Mother playful spinning son at the beach at sunset in Seattle

Think of it as an evening at the beach where I just happen to be there. I’ll be capturing the joy and magic in your everyday interactions while you “play”. We will not merely document the changes your body is going through during pregnancy; we will capture the relationships, the love, the bond – the beautiful chaos of family life that’s about to take on a new shape.

If you’re worried that you will be awkward in front of the camera, don’t worry mama. I will guide you and offer prompts to help you feel comfortable. These prompts give you the opportunity for gorgeous, connected photos of your family.

Father kissing mother while children play nearby on the beach in Edmonds, Wa during pregnancy pictures

Why Choose Neyssa Lee Photography for Your Pregnancy Pictures

Choosing a maternity photographer is about trusting someone to portray not only your pregnancy but the emotional layers it brings, especially when another child is involved.

As a mother of six, I bring my personal experiences to each maternity session. I know all too well the kaleidoscope of emotions that motherhood brings. From the joyous anticipation of meeting the new baby to the bittersweet moments of knowing that your firstborn will no longer be the only child.

At Neyssa Lee Photography, I strive to document these intricate dynamics in the most authentic and heartfelt manner. My style is all about capturing candid, intimate moments rather than stiff, posed photographs. I aim to photograph you and your toddler in your natural state. Maternity photos are not about stiff poses, but playful connection with your family.

Husband and wife during maternity photos at the beach in Edmonds, WA

Making Pregnancy Pictures a Joyful Experience

My approach to photography is laid-back and low-stress. I understand how important these photos are to you. I aim to make the experience as joyful and relaxed as possible. Your comfort is of utmost importance. I believe the best way to photograph joy is to genuinely experience joy during the session.

I can guarantee that your toddler won’t feel pressured to smile or pose but rather will be encouraged to be their curious, lively self. This approach results in pregnancy pictures that not only capture the beautiful transformation of your body but also the magical spirit of your family at this moment in time.

little boy feeling baby kicks on mommy during maternity pictures in Edmonds, Wa

So, if you’re expecting and have a toddler at home, I encourage you to consider taking pregnancy pictures that include your firstborn. This is a unique period in your family’s life, filled with a mix of anticipation, joy, and a bit of uncertainty. Having these moments captured in beautiful, candid photographs is a gift you’ll cherish forever.

Marina Beach Park maternity photos at sunset for a family of four

As we journey through the session, you’ll see that these aren’t just photographs – they are stories, emotions, and memories, all rolled into one. They are connections captured, love immortalized, and life celebrated in its most beautiful form. And that’s what Neyssa Lee Photography is all about.

So, get in touch today, and let’s create magical memories together during this special time in your life.

Ready to binge more maternity content? I have a plethora of articles to help make your maternity session the best experience for you.

Stay up to date on Neyssa Lee Photography events (like a Santa event in December and a Fine Art Event in September) and happenings by joining the newsletter. And Make sure you’re following me on Instagram and Facebook!