Blogging tips, Where to begin with blogging, small business tips

Blogging Tips: Where to Begin with Blogging for Your Business

For Photographers
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I am Neyssa Lee a Seattle area photographer, mom of 6, planning obsessed, and who help you see the beauty, love and joy, in your own family’s chaos. I also use my super power of time management to help fellow photographers take control of their businesses. Learn more by heading to my ABOUT ME page.

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Blogging tips, Where to begin with blogging, small business tips

You know that you need to be blogging. You understand the benefits of blogging for your business. But where do you even begin with blogging? How do you know what blogging tips to listen to? What do you write?

I’ve been in your shoes, searching for how to show up in my blog. I knew I needed to blog, so I slapped a bunch of photos from a session down say how cute the family was and hope for the best. Except that did nothing for my business. My process wasn’t helping my SEO, nor was it helping my potential client.

When I changed my approach to blogs I finally started seeing traction in my business. Clients provided feedback that they found various posts helpful.

So where do you begin with blogging? These are my go to blogging tips.

The first blogging tip is to begin with your client’s experience.

The easiest place to begin is with your client’s experience. Write blogs about ways to prepare to work with you. Write blogs about what they need to do to make the most of working with you or your product. Write blog posts on what they should or shouldn’t do.

Providing this type of information can help potential clients learn about you and your business. This can also help them feel comfortable about moving forward in working with your business.

Another of the blogging tips is to answer frequently asked questions.

Consider questions you are asked often and write about that. This will help potential clients learn more and even answer questions that they didn’t think about having yet. Chances are if you’re asked something a few times, there are other people who might have that same question but just are not asking you.

Bonus in writing these types of posts is that it establishes you as an expert. You’re providing answers to questions and helping clients avoid potential problems. That’s a win-win!

Share extra tips to take your client’s experience to the next level.

Use past client experiences (and your own experiences) as learning experiences. Challenges that clients have had, or things that worked well. Share it.

For example, I noticed family photo clients with toddlers putting brand new shoes on their child at the photo session. Then during their session the child would struggle to walk or be comfortable. I used that observation to help educate future clients about tips for family photos with toddlers, including trying on shoes before their family photo session.

My biggest of the blogging tips is to keep your client in mind while writing.

When you’re just starting out, blogging can feel overwhelming. However, the more you blog, the better you will get. Practice makes perfect, right?!

When you are beginning root down into your client’s experience and walk them through it. Provide answers, advice, and ideas for how to make the process of working with you smoother and less “risky.”

The more you write the better you will be at coming up with ideas, spotting inspiration when it hits. So just begin blogging!

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  1. […] If you want to get into the nitty-gritty of how I structure a blog post, you can read about it over on my blog. Blog Writing Tips. […]

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