School photos are apart of the whole growing up experience. They give parents a snapshot of their child each school year. What a gift!
Yet, when you think about school photos do you gag a little? Does the process suck and the end result is only mediocre at best?
The experience does not have to be that way. When you work with a local photographer there are so many benefits for both the school and parents alike.
While I may be biased as a Seattle area photographer, I am also a mom of six and have had some pretty poor experiences with regular school photos. (Like my own photos from about 3rd grade one, or the fact my son has come home with photos his skin was so overly smoothed it no longer looked real).
This post is to share the benefits and convince you that there is another way.
The most obvious benefit for school photos is a better experience for parents and the school.
No more hounding parents to remember those preorder forms for picture day. Instead, parents can order from an online (password protected) gallery after picture day. Teachers are happy they don’t have to handle anything. Parents are happy they can choose which image(s) best represent their child and which images they would like to purchase.
The entire experience is a boutique experience for parents and schools. Plenty of communication, information to help parents make the most of picture day (like tips on what to wear for picture day), plus a more custom experience for your school.
Picture day is a laid back experience for students. They are not rushed, yet the pace moves quickly to be the least disruptive to the school day.

Another benefit is local photographers have more expertise in photography providing families with high quality photos.
I have been in business over 13 years and specifically photographing school portraits for 8 years.
Photography is not only my livelihood it is my passion. I have invested time and money into bettering myself as a photographer and ensuring parents receive the same quality of images I would want of my own children.
The next benefit is that parents are happier with school photos from a local photographer.
Parents love getting to choose their child’s photo from a gallery of several images. Even more, parents can select from color or black and white. They have confidence in knowing what their child looks like in their photo before buying.
They will love these images so much that they will give them as gifts and display them in their homes proudly.
They will be grateful for access to beautiful portraits of their child at their school.

Finally, when you support a small business for school photos you are helping a family in your community.
That local photographer lives in your community. She is supporting her family and shopping within that community she is serving with her photography. She is much more invested in ensuring the best experiences for schools and parents alike.
When you work with a local photographer you are helping your community thrive.
If you’re a school looking to get on my calendar, I’d love to chat how picture day can look for your school. Contact me to start the process.
If you’re a parent and want this at your school, I would appreciate if you reached out to your school to let them know about Fine Art School Portraits with Neyssa Lee Photography.