You’re searching in Google looking for a photographer and realize you don’t know if you need professional headshots or branding photos.
What really is the difference? When and how do you use each type of photography?
Let’s break down both types in detail so you can make an informed decision on what is best for your needs. First, we will look at what professional headshots and branding photos actually are. Then we will dive into what they are best used for.

Professional headshots are photos of your head!
I know, I know. Captain obvious here. But headshots are about capturing photos of you that are shoulders or chest) up. They are close in, tightly cropped to give people an idea of what you look like. Headshots are used for profile photos, about me pages, and email signatures.
Professional headshots may be done on a traditional studio backdrop. However, they may also be done outdoors. As long as your head (or face) is the primary focus of the image, it’s a headshot.
On the other hand, Branding Photos are a collection of photographs that give your audience a feeling of your brand.
Branding photos tell a story of what you and your company are about. The paint the picture of your brand. Think of professional headshots like your front door, and branding photos like a tour of your home. When someone comes to your home, the front door gives an idea of what to expect. However, a full tour of the house gives a much clear idea of your home.
The same goes for your business. A headshot can set that first impression. Branding photos can elevate the experience.

Branding photos will give you a variety of photos to use on social media and on your website.
A Seattle branding photo session, gives you a collection of images you can use on your website and everywhere you market your business. No matter how people come across your business, they will get a feel for what to expect when working with you.

A branding photo session will provide you with professional headshots, too.
Do you need both professional headshots and images for your business? A branding photo session gives you headshots, too. It’s like a two for one session! The extra bonus is that your headshots will be in line with your branding photos, giving you an overall cohesive feel to the imagery for your website and online photos (like that Instagram and Linked In profile photo).
We may say never judge a book by its cover, yet we do. Professional headshots and branding photos will help your online presence match with whatever you bring to the table.
Learn more about professional headshot sessions and branding sessions.