Seattle photographer Neyssa Lee sharing photography business setbacks as she sits on bench writing

Photography Business Setback: Rushing the Process

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I am Neyssa Lee a Seattle area photographer. I'm a mom of 6, Disney obsessed, who helps you see the beauty, love and joy, in your own family’s chaos.  Learn more by heading to my ABOUT ME page.

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Seattle photographer Neyssa Lee sharing photography business setbacks as she sits on bench writing

Are you tired of the grind of growing a business? Do you wish you had everything figured out RIGHT NOW? You might not realize it, but rushing the process of building your business can be a photography business setback.

When I was starting my business I wanted to have everything “zipped up” so I would look more professional. I wanted to have the perfect logo, perfect brand colors, a great business card, the website that rivaled anyone else’s. Also, I wanted to have figured out exactly what I would photograph with the perfect editing style.

I was rushing the process, but I was hurting my business and my brand.

When you rush the process you are potentially causing a photography business setback because you stop trying new things.

The early days in business are the perfect time to be trying new things. How else will you learn what you truly love to capture?

If you’re like me, you started out thinking one type of photography is right for you. (I thought I was going to be a wedding photographer, when that is very much not for me). However, if you don’t try out other types of photography you may stick with something that doesn’t truly bring you joy.

There is as much to be learned from what you don’t like as what you do like. By trying new things you may find that you don’t like something (like I did with photographing weddings) and thus, you will better find your path.

Rushing the process can lead you to select a style that is more on trend than what is true to you.

When you are trying to hone in on your editing style you can get caught up in presets and popular editing styles. This can be a photography business setback as a trendy type of edit will attract a client that likes that particular style. In turn, it can be more challenging to later completely change without upsetting clients.

Trust me. I am a very much true to life, natural editor. I like rich colors and strong contrast. However, I didn’t always have that. In the early days of my business I thought I had to be like everyone else. I was in a rush to get my editing style “perfect.” I bought airy and bright presets because they were popular. Afterwards, I felt completely lost and like a fraud with my work. It was a total photography business setback both financially (those presets weren’t cheap!) and emotionally. I was back at square one with learning my editing style all over again.

Another photography business setback that can occur is missing what your clients truly want and need.

It is so easy to look to other photographers for what your business “should” look like. They’ve been doing it longer and know what they are doing, right?

Of course, it is wonderful to have a community of other photographers you trust for advice. However, just because something works for one photographer mean that it is the only way.

You also need to listen to your clients, what their needs are, and how you can best serve them. Rushing to create a business based on another photographer’s mold may be the faster way to get things up and running, however, it isn’t the most sustainable.

It is okay to take your time building your photography business.

Taking your time is not a photography business setback. Taking your time allows you to learn and grow right along with your business. It allows you to build a solid foundation, which is key to a long term, sustainable business.

I completely understanding wanting to have everything figured out. However, by rushing the process I was not actually getting anywhere faster. Instead I was causing myself extra stress and overwhelm. I have now been in business over 12 years as a Seattle family photographer. It has taken me all of that time to get to this point. My growth did not happen overnight.

It is okay to allow yourself time to learn. Learning is not a photography business setback. Your clients won’t think worse of you for it. In fact, those that stick with you will be lifelong loyal clients who truly value what YOU have to offer.

When growing a photography business, having a community of photographers you trust can be helpful. Having somewhere that you feel safe sharing, and getting ideas to try without feeling pressured or the need to compare is golden. That is why I created a private Facebook Group just for photographers. Come join and find inspiration, ideas, and encouragement as you grow your business.