When you’re looking for a photographer to document your newborn, I know how questions can be swirling through your head. You’re welcoming this person into your home just a few weeks after giving birth. You want to make sure she’s the right fit for you. When deciding if an in home newborn photography session is right for your family there are questions to ask.
There is the basic, “do I like this photographer’s work?”. Then it’s the more personal questions about the photographer herself and then how an in home newborn photography session will go.
To help save you time and make you feel at ease, I’ve put together a list of the most frequently asked questions by moms like you.
As a top Seattle area photographer for over a decade, I have been asked everything under the sun. So let’s dive into the most frequently asked questions.

When does my in-home newborn photography session take place?
Babies change so rapidly that first month. To capture those tiny details before they start filling out, I suggest scheduling within the first two weeks after birth.
However, as long as the session takes place within the first two months, I would still consider the session a newborn photography session. I get it, recovery can be difficult. So is just getting into the swing of things with a newborn (and maybe a toddler too). The thought of getting ready for photos seems overwhelming. Don’t fret, you will cherish the photos of your sweet baby whether they were taken 3 days or 30 days after he was born.
I do not pose your baby unnaturally. Further, baby does not have to sleep during your newborn photo session, so a little bit older baby is just as beautifully photographed. Learn more about why I do not use props.
Bonus Tip: Families who book a Fresh 48 session often feel a little more relaxed to push out that newborn session to 2-3 weeks. With those fresh after birth photos already taken in the hospital, you can rest a little easier. Plus, moms who do a fresh 48 and an in home newborn photography session are always surprised by how much their baby has already grown and changed in just a few short weeks.
Should your baby need to spend time in the NICU you do not have to worry about your in home newborn photography session. You can learn about my approach with newborn pictures for NICU babies.

What happens if I need to change my newborn photo session date?
The most important thing is you and your baby’s health. Should you be scheduled for an in home newborn photography session and find someone in your family sick or yourself needing more recovery time, let me know asap. We can always reschedule for a time when everyone is healthy again.
Most of the time we schedule your session once baby is here and you have an idea of how you’re feeling. (Booking your session early reserves your space on my calendar.)

Are you vaccinated? What if you get sick on my session date?
I am fully vaccinated and boosted for flu and Covid. In fact, I’ve had my TDap with each of my last 4 children (my youngest being born in 2021).
I also ensure that I am healthy before coming to your home. No one wants to put anyone at risk, so I will always reschedule if I’m sick. I also always wash/sanitize my hands when I first arrive in your home.
What kinds of photos will I get in my in home newborn photography session?
This is my favorite question because it gets into the nitty gritty of your photos! I take a variety of photos of your family. While I have a basic workflow, your children help dictate the direction of a session. I mean, if your toddler is excited and ready to snuggle with his baby brother right away, we start there. If big sister needs time to warm up, I can focus on mom or dad with baby.
Your newborn gallery will full of images of your family all together, just mom and baby, mom and the kids (if there are older children), dad and baby (and other kids), just baby, siblings. All of your in home newborn photography images will be provided in both color and black and white. You can decide which version is perfect to be displaying in your home. You also receive a custom album with every in home newborn photography session.

What if I’m not ready when you arrive?
I honestly do not expect everyone to be ready when I arrive. Of course, try to be ready. However, I know how long a newborn can take to nurse and that you may have a toddler you prefer to dress at the last possible minute.
When I arrive for your in home newborn photography session, I spend the first few minutes saying hello to everyone and getting a feel for the space or spaces I will be using.
I will be looking for the best natural light in your home as well as seeing a nursery (if there is one). I will also wash my hands, get my gear out, and be ready to start when you are. Often just baby or baby and dad are ready first and I can begin with them while mom touches up her makeup or tosses on a spit-up free shirt.

What should I wear for newborn photos?
I have an entire post dedicated to this topic, so make sure you check out What to Wear for a Newborn Photo Session. There are two most important tips I want you to remember. First, keep baby in a well-fitting onesie, gown, or sleeper. You may need a newborn or premie-sized outfit to fit snugly. Most importantly, we don’t want baby drowning in clothing so we cannot see all of those tiny details.
Second, be kind to yourself and remember you just had a baby. Keep your outfit comfortable and neutral. I typically suggest mom wear a dark tank with a loose or flowy sweater for over top.
Each family who has booked an in-home newborn photography session with me narrow down what to wear. Moms often send me photos of things laid out so that I can give tips and advice. Plus, a bonus of me coming to your home, it’s easy to change right then should your top not feel comfortable that morning.
Hopefully, you found the answers to all of your questions here. Of course, please leave a comment or contact me if you have any other questions. You want to be comfortable with whoever you invite into your home to document this special, fleeting time with your baby. I want to help you feel comfortable before I even step foot in the door.
Head to my blog for more newborn photo session resources to help you plan for your session.
Peek below for a “few” more favorites from this sweet baby boy’s in-home newborn photography session.