Photos of a Silly 6 Month Old Baby Girl

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I am Neyssa Lee a Seattle area photographer, mom of 6, planning obsessed, and who help you see the beauty, love and joy, in your own family’s chaos. I also use my super power of time management to help fellow photographers take control of their businesses. Learn more by heading to my ABOUT ME page.

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How is she already 6 months old?!  I recently took photos of a silly 6 month old baby girl. That baby girl, was none other then my Hudson. This is such a fun age because there are so many things that start happening about now. Like this adorable little lip smack I caught her doing here!
photos of a silly 6 month old baby girl, 6 months, baby girl

We waited until just before 6 months (like a couple of days) to start solid foods. The big kids were SO excited to help feed her. As I was getting ready for her first feeding this is what I witnessed.

photos of a silly 6 month old baby girl, 6 months, baby girlAnd although it is still a slow process and she’s not sure about food, (she isn’t a fan of oatmeal, but does seem to like sweet potatoes). She grins at me while stuffing her own spoon in her mouth. Of course, it’s a messy process, too!

photos of a silly 6 month old baby girl, 6 months, baby girl

She love when daddy plays with her, bouncing her high into the air. It typically makes me nervous (as many things Derek things up), but you can’t deny their sweet bond.

photos of a silly 6 month old baby girl, 6 months, baby girl

A monthly photo shoot wouldn’t be complete without having one of Sheepy. Derek thought it would be funny to put her sitting on Sheepy this time. (Note, she’s on a soft bed, far from the edges and Derek is right outside the frame, hence, she’s looking right at him instead of me)

photos of a silly 6 month old baby girl, 6 months, baby girlBut my most favorite detail is her love of all things with tags. She can find the tag on anything and chews and chews on it. Neither of my other kids did that, so it is fun to see this difference. As you can see, she’s stuffing that tag in with all her effort.

photos of a silly 6 month old baby girl, 6 months, baby girl

In the past week, she’s started trying to scoot on her bottom across the floor. I’m hardly ready to admit we are halfway through her first year, let alone the fact that she is going to be mobile soon. Slow down, sweet baby girl, slow down!

photos of a silly 6 month old baby girl, 6 months, baby girl
