Pregnancy photo of woman embracing baby bump during Seattle maternity photos

Brackett’s Landing North: Edmonds Maternity Photos Location

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I am Neyssa Lee a Seattle area photographer. I'm a mom of 6, Disney obsessed, who helps you see the beauty, love and joy, in your own family’s chaos.  Learn more by heading to my ABOUT ME page.

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Maternity photos at Brackett's Landing North, photo of boy drawing in sand with a stick behind mother and father

If you’ve been to Edmonds, but haven’t visited Brackett’s Landing North yet, it’s time. This location is a gem. It is a great spot for maternity photos for families wanting photos on the beach in the Seattle area.

So what is there to love about Brackett’s Landing North? Is this a good location for your own maternity photo session?

Keep reading as we cover the things to love and the things to consider about this Seattle area park.

Brackett’s Landing North is a beach area along the Edmonds waterfront.

The parking lot is directly next to the ferry line, making it a little hidden gem. Personally, I looped around the block because I didn’t notice the turn-off by the ferry. However, it was worth it for this gorgeous spot for maternity photos.

This park has a sandy beach, a paved walkway, and public restrooms.

Pregnant mother smiling in beautiful sunlight during Seattle maternity portraits

The park is accessible for families with young kids and pregnant moms.

When you’re expecting and/or have young children, the last thing you want to do is haul everyone and everything a long way for a great photo spot.

Brackett’s Landing North is just steps away from the parking lot. The park is also rather flat, another perk for young families.

Brackett's Landing North maternity photos, family of three during photo session

There are gorgeous sunsets at Brackett’s Landing North.

We all know Seattle (and Edmonds) can be rainy and grey. However, when the sun does come out, the sunsets at Brackett’s Landing North are stunning.

On those clear days, you can even get mountain views of the Olympic mountains across Puget Sound. You can snuggle in close and admire the sunset and views during your maternity photo session on the beach.

Kids love the ferries and trains that run by the park.

Being right next to the ferry terminal, you can watch the ferries coming in and going out during your maternity session. What else could make a maternity session feel more Seattle than with a ferry boat in the background? (Any other Grey’s Anatomy fans here?)

There are also train tracks that the Sounder train will run along. If we are lucky, kids can watch the train go by during your maternity session at Brackett’s Landing North.

Toddler boy touching mom's pregnant belly during Seattle maternity photos

There are a couple of things to consider for maternity photos at Brackett’s Landing North.

Just like any beach in Seattle, it can get windy and cold. Warm layers help, of course. However, if you or your kids don’t do well in the freezing cold, consider a location more inland with a break from the wind.

Brackett's Landing North maternity photo of couple snuggled together at sunset

Parking can also be tricky. I have not yet had any issues, however, the parking lot is rather small. I encourage families to give themselves extra time to ensure they get a spot.

Brackett’s Landing North can get crowded. If you’re looking for a location without people in the background for your maternity session, a Seattle beach on a weekend summer evening is not the right spot. Selecting a weekday evening will help. Plus as we are close to sunset, many people call it a night, giving us the place to ourselves.

Finally, being on the water, the sunset will be much later during the summer nights. As maternity photo sessions take place approximately 45 minutes to 1 hour before sunset, this means starting around 8 pm during the summer months.

Brackett's landing maternity photos on the beach

Overall, Brackett’s Landing North is a gorgeous spot for maternity photos.

If you’re a family who loves the beach, the Olympic skyline, and Edmonds, this park is the perfect spot.

With your location decided, it’s time to book your session. Contact me to book your maternity session and mention Brackett’s Landing.

Head to my maternity portfolio and blogs for more inspiration for documenting your pregnancy.