What happens if it is going to rain on your scheduled maternity photo session day?
Who doesn’t love a gorgeous golden hour, when the sun is setting low and framing an expectant mama’s bump? However, I live in Washington State, where it rains, a lot. As a photographer in the evergreen state (evergreen because it’s always raining, right?!), I have to be flexible. While most people from the Pacific Northwest aren’t bothered by a little sprinkling here and there, they may not hope for rain for their maternity photos.
I assure you that you can have beautiful maternity photos in the rain. Of course, I always offer the option of rescheduling should the forecast call for rain. I get it. My hair gets big in the rain (imagine Monica in the Bahamas episode of FRIENDS)!

Rescheduling your photo session may not be what is best for your family.
Maybe the weekend you picked was the only available weekend without kids’ activities, or that your husband could set aside. I get it, we are all busy. Another reason you may not want to reschedule is if we are getting too close to your due date or if you’re feeling pretty pregnant already. The last thing we want is for you to have your baby before your maternity photos!
We also want you to be comfortable still (or as comfortable as possible when 6-8 months pregnant) during your session. (For more on when the best time is for maternity photos, go read the blog post When Should I have Maternity Photos Done.)
You will have beautiful maternity photos in the rain.
With a little preparation and trust in your photographer, you will have beautiful maternity photos in the rain. In fact, they could be amazing if you embrace the rain and just have fun!

The right location can help keep you dry during your photo session.
Of course you want to ensure everyone is warm enough, especially if you have kids. (Warm kids are happy kids). But should it be raining I have a few favorite spots that offer a bit of cover, while still allowing us to be outside.
This family embraced the rain because it was the only time that worked for their schedule and mom did not want to go into labor before she had photos done. We ventured to the Cedar River Watershed in North Bend. Not only did the covered walkways offer protection from the rain, but the water drums provided entertainment for their son as he warmed up to things. As they listened to the water hit the drums I captured this family of three just before they became a family of four.

Rain means we will have the park to ourselves.
During this featured session, the weather was less than ideal, and we had the entire park to ourselves. As we got a break in the rain, we ventured down the trail without worry of getting in anyone’s way, or anyone getting in the back of their photos.
It also meant this family could explore together without other distractions. Dad tossed his boy in the air, played, and ran, with Mom watching nearby as she felt her baby kicking.

Break out the umbrella for a truly Pacific Northwest-inspired maternity photo session.
When your ideal time for maternity photos falls in winter or early spring, rain is inevitable. Come prepared with an umbrella and go play in the rain. You will be able to look back at your gallery and feel the truly reflect your life here in the great Pacific Northwest.
Bonus tip: a neutral or clear umbrella are ideal as they do not create color casts (i.e. a green umbrella means a green color to your skin). They also blend in instead of being the focal point of your photos. While you may want the umbrella to add to your session while keeping you dry, you do not want all eyes going straight for the umbrella instead of your family.
Don’t let the rain stop you from having your baby bump documented! In just a few months baby will be here, and you may be surprised to find yourself missing every little kick and that bump that showed off you were expecting. If you embrace the weather and trust in your photographer, you, too, can have beautiful maternity photos in the rain.
Ready to book your session? It’s simple. Hit the contact me button and complete the quick form. I’ll reply with your booking proposal, and then you’re booked!
Check out my portfolio for a peek into the Neyssa Lee Photography approach to maternity portraits.