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Are you excited to finally learn how to batch content for your business?
This course is self paced, so do one module per day, or take the entire course in one day. I designed this course with the busy business owner in mind.
For best success I suggest watching the course all the way through the first time. Get familiar with the materials, ideas, and concepts. Then go back and watch each module then do the tasks in that module before moving on. By following this plan, you will have a complete months’ worth of content planned out at the end of the course.
If you’ve already registered for the course, log in above!
Not yet registered? Register at the link above to the left. Then wait for your email with password and information you will need!
Everyone can learn how to create content for their business that will actually move the needle. Everyone can learn how to create content efficiently, and I will help you do it.
Let’s dive on into the materials!