Productivity hacks for moms in business, how to get more done

4 Productivity Hacks for Moms Running a Business

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I am Neyssa Lee a Seattle area photographer, mom of 6, planning obsessed, and who help you see the beauty, love and joy, in your own family’s chaos. I also use my super power of time management to help fellow photographers take control of their businesses. Learn more by heading to my ABOUT ME page.

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Productivity hacks for moms in business, how to get more done

Feeling productive while raising kids can sound like an oxymoron. However, with these 3 productivity hacks for moms you can start feeling in control. You can start getting more done, all while allowing you more focused time with the kids.

Sound too, good to be true? That is likely because you’ve been multitasking away trying to get so much done all at one time. Multitasking is leaving you run down. Tasks are likely half finished with nothing done as well as you could do.

While multitasking is a part of motherhood, it isn’t the only way. In fact, when you’re running your business, multitasking is likely costing you precious time.

So what are my top 3 productivity hacks?

The first productivity hack for moms is to begin the week with intention.

As moms (or maybe just as women in general), we tend to create never ending to-do lists. When you go into your week with a giant list of things to check off, it can be easy to be so focused on checking things off instead of checking off the right things.

So instead, begin each week with intention. Set goals for the week, areas of focus, times you will have to work on your business, and when you’ll be needed to focus on your family.

Another productivity hack is to wake up early, before the kids.

Did you stop reading there? Think no way am I getting up early?

Stick with me. When you get up early you can begin your day with intention. You can have that cup of coffee and do something for your business or yourself before having to turn on “mom mode.”

When you begin your days with intention and ease the day is set to go much more smoothly then if you’re beginning with chaos and focus on the kids.

Create before you consume is my next tip for moms trying to get more done.

This means don’t touch your phone. Don’t open email. Don’t even look at the icon for your social media apps before you “create” something. This could mean writing a blog post, scheduling social media posts (off the app, use something like Later so that you’re not tempted to scroll that feed), send a newsletter, work on that course, journal, etc. Do something for your business.

How do I decided what that something is that I’m creating? By referring back to the first productivity hack tip – begin the week with intention. When you set those goals for the week, do something that works towards a goal.

By beginning your day this way (both before the kids wake up and then creating before diving into the world on your phone) you’re focused on yourself and what can come from within you. There are not any outside forces influencing or clogging up your brain from being able to get work done. Plus you’re not wasting those precious moments before the kids wake up on something you can do anytime during the day.

Bonus tip on these productivity hacks for moms: What happens if the kids wake up early?

My son is an early riser since about age 3. I had to find some way to keep him quiet and busy so that I could focus on getting some work done before turning to the mom duties for the morning. I started allowing him to watch a show or play a quiet game on his kindle. It keeps him entertained and allows me to focus on what I need to achieve.

Don’t let mom guilt of allowing screen time get in your way. By having this routine in your day you’ll be able to start the day feeling accomplished, like you’ve worked on your business, so that when it’s time for getting kids ready for school or playing or whatever the day may hold, you can be fully present to what is needed.

Looking for more ideas and inspiration for running your business, being more productive, and crushing your goals?

Join my Facebook Group for Mamas Who are Business Owners for access to live trainings, tips, support from other business owners and more. And don’t forget to check out my free photographer resources. Grab them below.